
Cyber security

Cyber security is a technology, process, and control application. That protects systems, networks, systems, devices, and data from cyber attacks. In addition the aim is to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and to protect against unauthorized use of programs, networks and technologies.

Who needs cyber security?

It is a mistake to think that a cyber bully doesn’t care about you. In addition everyone who connects to the Internet needs internet security. This is because most online attacks are spontaneous and are intended to exploit common threats on behalf of certain websites or organizations.

What are the five types of cyber security?

1. Cyber ​​security for critical infrastructure

Organizations with critical infrastructure are more likely to be attacked than other organizations. Because SCADA systems (Managing Control and Data Recovery) often rely on older software.

UK workers for energy, transport, health, water and digital infrastructure. And digital service providers are bound by the Network and Information System Information System (NIS) 2018.

Among other provisions, regulations require organizations to take appropriate technical and organizational measures to control security risks.

2. Network security

In addition Network security includes fixing risks affecting operating systems and network structures. Such as servers and hosts, security walls and wireless access points, and network settings.

3. Cloud security

 Cloud security interacts with data protection, applications, and infrastructure in the cloud.

4. Internet of Things (IoT) security.

IoT security includes the security of smart devices and IoT-connected networks. IoT devices. Include those that connect to the internet without human intervention. B. Smart fire alarms, lamps, thermostats and other appliances.

5. Application security

Application security is about dealing with risks arising from unsafe development processes in the software system or website design, coding, and extraction.

The legal requirement for cyber security

GDPR and DPA 2018 require organizations to take appropriate security measures to protect their personal data. If not, you will be fined a lot.

Cyber security is an important business issue for all businesses.

Challenges of cyber security

It can be difficult to minimize the risk of cyber security an organization is facing. This is especially true if you are going to work remotely and do not have much control over staff behavior or device security.

Managing cyber security

Effective cyber security management should start at the top of the organization.

With a strong online safety culture reinforced by regular training, all employees recognize. That online safety is their responsibility and believe emotionally in safety. Good safety and effective operating procedures should be closely related.


What are the consequences of a cyber attack?

Cyber attacks can cost organizations billions of pounds and cause severe damage. In addition impacted organizations stand to lose sensitive data, and face fines and reputational damage.

The cyber security-based approach allows you to focus on your efforts when you need them most.

In addition risk detection and risk assessment using standard online security checks is the most effective and least expensive way to protect your business.

1. Staff awareness training

Human error is the leading cause of data breach. Therefore, it is important to provide employees with information to deal with the threats they face.

Staff awareness training shows how security threats affect employees and help them apply the best working advice in real-world situations.

2. Application Security

The dangers of web programs are commonplace for cybercriminals. As applications play a very important role in business, it is important to focus on web application security.

3. Network security

In addition network security is the process of protecting the usability and integrity of your network and data. This is achieved by conducting a network login test that looks at network risks and security issues.

4. Responsibilities of Leadership

Leadership participation is the key to online resilience. Without them, it is difficult to establish or implement an effective system. In addition Senior executives should invest in appropriate online security services such as awareness training.

5. Password management

About half of UK people use “password”, “123456”, or “qwerty” as their password. In addition employees need to create strong passwords and apply password management policies that provide guidance to keep them secure.

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